Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wisconsin Recall Effort

Wisconsin's political civil war may soon bring a shift in the state Senate as recall efforts target 8 Republican senators. It is possible that the state senate will soon be democrat controlled allowing Democrats to essentially block all of Walker's new legislation. An even more worrying turn for Walker is that if the election were held today Walker would lose to Barrett by double digits showing hes clearly lost support among independents. It's clear now to the Republican party that Walker's recent hard won victory was Pyhrric and will result most likely in the strongest backlash the state party has ever seen. Worse for the republicans all of the gains Walker has made in the past few months will no doubt will be undone within 2 years as a new administration takes power. But stranger things have happened in the past in Wisconsin politics with political dualism making Wisconsin a difficult bronco to tame, like Qaddafi he might just hold on to power until the end of his natural term.   

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